Children who require short term specialist support in relation to Language and Communication needs over and above that which is routinely available to nursery settings.
Where parents, the EYCOT Team and Early Years settings work in partnership.
Where specialist staff provide learning opportunities and support for children, staff and parents.
It is outreach support in the child's current nursery setting. Decisions about whether to offer children support who are referred to us are made following the application and a letter will be sent to settings to inform you of the outcome.
If successful an initial visit by one of the team will be made where we will agree which combination of support options is most appropriate for your child and their setting. A bespoke package will then be tailored accordingly. The aim is to ensure that the child receives the support that will promote the most sustained progress for them.
The team is staffed by a specialist teacher and special support assistants.
How do children access EYCOT?
For children to be referred to EYCOT they must be attending an Early Years provision within North Tyneside and be known to Speech and Language Therapy.
Places for EYCOT support are allocated through referral direct to the Language and Communication Team. A form should be completed together by school staff, the child's speech and language therapist and parents/carers.
Support will consist of collaborative working between the EYCOT team, setting and parents/carers to support the language and communication development of the child within their educational setting
What EYCOT offers
- Regular visits by one of our team to the setting.
- Delivering a range of activities with an emphasis on the development of language and communication skills or sign posting to relevant resources.
- Promoting positive communication experiences through play-based learning opportunities, individually targeted around the children’s language and communication needs.
- Setting up to three personal IEP (Individual Education Plan) targets which will be the main focus of the intervention sessions. This will be shared with parents and their setting.
For further information please contact our office on 0191 4661814
or email [email protected]