Benton Dene Schools

Benton Dene Schools


In Benton Dene School we use Narrative symbols across our whole curriculum. 

For example 

In English we use the symbols to aid understanding of who we can see and what’s happening in a text and also in our early sentence building. 

In Science we use the ‘What’s Happening’ symbol when we complete experiments or investigate changes. 

In History we use the “When” symbol when we talk about timelines. 

In Geography we use the “Where” symbol when we explore the local area, the wider community and the world around us. 

Here’s some examples of cross cultural use. 
Click on images to enlarge.

This is an example of Narrative symbols being used to support sentence building in our Talk4writing.

You could print this resource to use at home.

Here are some visual symbols you might find useful when reading with your child at home.

Narrative Symbols PDF

Early sentence structure is dependent on having an understanding of key vocabulary.  In Benton Dene School we have developed and adapted the Narrative Programme to support sentence building progression using symbols.  This method is used in our T4W when children are working in our Early Years or Pre Key Stage Standards.

We use Blanks Level questioning which could be used at home too.